12 Key Takeaways From 2023

by - December 28, 2023

Source: Pinterest (Howl's Moving Castle)

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah...

I am grateful for each day. Allah has blessed me with many gifts in 2023. Of course there are more than 12 takeaway points in a year, but I will simplify by sharing one lesson each month.

1.  Lain syakartum laazidannakum

"If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more." (Surah Ibrahim verse 7). Feeling blessed in every way that Allah guides me towards. Whether the situation is good or bad, it's essential to remember that it's Allah's way of helping us become better. It's easy to say "Alhamdulillah" when we receive good fortune, but how do we maintain our emotional well-being when we face troubles? It's important to feel calm and remember that everything has been guaranteed by Allah, which is a reason for happiness. Every day, I put "Have you been grateful today?" on my social media bio to remind myself.

2. Focus on what matters

At times, others may trigger us to think about the future and make plans. However, it is important to remember that our plans require our own commitment and persistence. We must be the ones to fight for our goals and aspirations. The key is to focus on regularly checking our to-do list and taking action every day.

3. Try something new

Have you ever wanted to try something new but felt worried about the possibility of making mistakes or facing trouble? My advice is to consider ignoring those fears. If that new experience has the potential to contribute to your personal growth, then go ahead and give it a try. Personally, I used to travel alone from one city to another, but taking a short trip alone to stroll around a new city helped me become more resilient. Instead of feeling scared or anxious, I enjoyed meeting fellow travelers and exploring new places.

4. Go the extra mile

People often aim for big achievements, hoping that their efforts will pay off. Sometimes it is good, but going the extra mile and maximizing our potential for our work will lead us to self-satisfaction and unexpected fortune.

5. Take a break, love yourself first

It's important to rest and take a break when feeling tired after work or an activity. Appreciate yourself for having a strong body that is willing to cooperate and a soul that can control emotions. Take a day off, go somewhere, or just chill in your room for a day. You can also use this time to explore delicious foods or things you would like to buy. In the year 2023, I made a conscious effort to engage in more physical exercise than ever before. I started walking to the office and campus and also joined the Chloe Thing workout for 15 minutes every morning. As my body became fitter, I found that I had more energy to fulfill my other responsibilities and maintain a positive mindset. I realized that staying focused and productive requires keeping a low profile, minding your own business, and maintaining a high vibration.

6. A few friends are okay, but build as many networks as possible 

My mom and also psychologist @AdjieSanPutro are on the same page remind me about friendship: "You don't have to have a lot of friends, having a few friends is okay. Having lots of friends means lots of drama. there are more and more adjustments that must be made, many feelings that must be maintained, and various masks that must be worn. Prone to losing principles. Stranger to oneself." It was really true. I experienced the benefits myself. I became more focused, confident, and willing to take action. I also dared to be different from my usual self. Instead of having drama with many friends, I expanded my network and connected with experts, which allowed me to discuss useful ideas and discover new opportunities.

7. Take a chance

Sometimes we hesitate to take a chance because we don't feel confident in our abilities. However, once we take that opportunity, we have the chance to improve our capability. So, it's important to take every opportunity that comes our way in life because some things only happen once. 

8. Life-long learner

The process of understanding that we do not possess complete knowledge is a crucial aspect of science. It is like placing an empty glass in a learning environment, which allows us to easily absorb new knowledge. This year, I have learned a lot about the importance of being a good listener, being quieter, and reflecting on my daily experiences. By actively listening to others, we can avoid conflicts and unexpected circumstances, and ultimately gain a better understanding of science.

9. Just do it

Often, we are unable to start work because we feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks we need to accomplish. However, starting from any direction can help us make progress instead of overthinking. Just do it. As we begin working, we gradually discover solutions by taking one step at a time, until we find the solution to everything. We just need to start and avoid wasting time. Completing the necessary tasks should be the priority, rather than striving for perfection.

10. Don't chase and beg people

Being kind doesn't mean we can't have boundaries. We can still be kind and prioritize ourselves. Let go of those who choose to leave. The right people will find us.

11. Being honest nowadays is priceless

A few years ago, I still remember my lecturer told me that "Something true may not be applicable universally and something universal may not be necessarily true." It would have been my mantra if I had a long, quiet moment alone since then. Whenever I undertake a task, I make sure to avoid cheating and do my best according to my abilities. I am not bothered by those who oppose me because I trust in Allah, the best lifeguard.

12. Family First

It is always worth prioritizing time and money for our beloved family. My mother and brother hold a special place in my heart. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah... This year is bringing me a lot of good fortune to share with my loved ones, especially my mother and brother.


Let's keep our hopes alive and continue to work towards our dreams. May we all become better individuals in the upcoming year. :)

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